Monday 26 April 2010

Miss Groser's Legacy

I walk in pleasurable solitude,
(pineapple mayweed, scarlet pimpernel)
inhaling the wild jewels of childhood.
(bugloss, bugle, butterburr, borage)
I do not consciously identify them,
(rose-bay willowherb, biting stonecrop)
but, insinuating through synaptic fire,
(sun spurge, honesty, kidney vetch)
they come, crowding to be known.
(red campion, red dead-nettle, red valerian)
She could never have imagined
(germander speedwell, birdsfoot trefoil)
that, nearly half a century on,
(ivy-leaved toadflax, mouse-ear hawkweed)
her classroom severity long forgotten,
(coltsfoot, cow parsley, spotted catsear)
I could retain the gift of naming -
Miss Groser supreme.

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